A couple of things:
- Every website that has posted this has taken it down literally hours later. I searched on the Internet for any trace of this last night and couldn't find it anywhere. There's no mention of why it's gone, but it's gone. This could be a good test to see how closely Big Brother is watching me. If it's gone tomorrow, you know why! (Note: Part of me thinks it would be pretty fun to get some "official legal letter" threatening my little Blog site. I would probably frame it and proudly display it over my mantle.)
- This doesn't prove Henry to be an Other or not. This could be Desmond's balloon from his "race around the world" story that Henry just stumbled across at some point and decided to use as his story. (Except, how would he know if Desmond had already told Jack and Co. he was in a hot air balloon? Then they would be like "Nice try Henry, heard that one before." Hmmmm...)
- This whole story surrounding the picture could be fake. The picture could be photoshopped. The picture could have come from anywhere, in relation to anything... but it has the smiley face on top, as Henry said. It's crashed in a jungle, looking like the Island on Lost, and weirdos on the Internet even confirmed (before their writings mysteriously vanished) that this would be the type of balloon that could travel across the ocean. But I leave it to you, faithful reader, to make your own judgment.
I'm such a rebel.
I was hoping you'd come through on that one. Nice work.
Brian...it was nice knowing you. As I am writing this, Brian is probably being thrown into the back of a car and being fitted for cement boots. Do we have a VP of blogdom? Who takes over if Brian "vanishes?"
I'm going to miss this blog.
Good luck.
Kick them where it counts and right in the jugular if you get grabbed.
Thanks for risking it all for us Brian.
Okay. So maybe the scientists hung the balloon up there to strengthen Henry's story. They managed to get a black horse on the island...
Now I kinda figured the balloon was from something Dharma...now you bring up Desmonds race...so much to ponder. Thanks again.
Well it's been a day with no threatening Emails or rocks thrown through my window - I think we're going to be okay with this!
I thought desmond crashed in a sail boat?
Well, if you weren't in trouble before, you might be now. You made the front page of digg...
Nice find!
What if Henry is an "Other" but he saw this crashed balloon site and knew about it from his travels in the woods. When he was captured he made up this story that his balloon crashed. If you want to be skeptical, finding the balloon still doesn't prove that it was his balloon.
Derek Hampton
I think I've got my ideal situation for Gale.
They need to threaten to cut his dick off. If he maintains, even that situation, to tell his story... then he's probably telling the truth. Any man will crack under these circumstances.
I think that the "HE" they are talking about is Clancy Brown. He is too big an actor to come onboard for one quick episode.
Hey guy....you said you didn't understand why people are removing it? Here's why:
There was this kid that got to visit the Lost set as a Make a Wish Foundation whish grant thing....he took a bunch of pics, and then his friend spread them all over the internet without telling him. Apparently this young kid felt horrible b/c he exposed some spoilers/secrets....this whole experience has effectively been tarnished for him b/c those pics got out w/out him knowing it/against his wishes. So official and unofficial fansites have removed any evidence of this balloon stuff so the kid can try to get over it and let it go without having to feel horrible/guilt. Poor kid, he goes and takes pics and spills the beans....now he probably thinks the very people he dreamed of meeting and got to now hate him.
I have two of those pics he posted where he's posing with the cast, but they aren't really all that spoilerish....this balloon thing is HUGE...that's why sites are freaking out b/c they are trying to help this poor kid out.
Hey, I get you don't have to do anything....no worries, I just thought I'd tell you WHY you've been getting your link removed. :)
Damn.... its Lost FFS./.. Get over it
You really think someone's going to cross the pacific in a whicker basket?!
Balloons used to pacific crossings are a little bit different to the ones you might use on a day out!
You did this as linkbait.
Then again lets all remember that Previews can lie.. might we need to remember. http://lost-media.com/modules/coppermine/albums/ep-caps/season2/2x14-oneofthem/normal_oneofthem-preview21.jpg
Even though Producers are closing sites, it could all be a hype.
~Anything's possible with a little Theatrical Glue...
Seems to be true. Check out this annoucement made by one of the moderators for this popular LOST forum. Somebody posted this picture, it got removed, and the person got banned from the forum for a week.
Oh, yeah. I forgot to say...
Good luck. Watch your back. Hehe!
Can anyone email the pic to me? I just read your post and am dying to see the picture so I can see what you're talking about!!
(i know the email address looks weird, it's a spam filter)
Any truth to the rumor that Jack Bauer end's up on the island in a huge climax conclusion to this season's 24? I bet he could get this show moving along.
Whoa. So it was pretty surprising this morning to see that 20,000 had visited my little Blog last night and that all my pictures were gone due to exceeding my Photobucket bandwidth.
I'll have to work on getting the other pictures back. For now, I put the balloon picture back.
so they said, "sure, come on over to the island. make sure you bring your camera and you can take pictures of the set that haven't been on tv yet... "
this could be something from a dream sequence, or a henry gale flashback to a balloon crash from his younger days, but i really doubt the picture is out there "accidentally."
My bet is that this is a hoax. It's hard to believe the producers would allow anyone on the set to take photos like this.
"It was three years ago, I was on a solo race around the world, my boat crashed into the reef, and then Kelvin came..."
I like your thinking, though. Seems like the balloon would be the only way off the island at their current disposal.
Oh...just wanted to clarify some shtuffs (after seeing your post on ytmnd.com). If I remember correctly, Desmond's race around the world had to do with running the stairs in stadiums.
It seems like the guy's story about the balloon could be real. Maybe he's an Other as well? Captured by those already on the island?
Even though the picture's out, I think it just raises more questions.
Desmond said he was doing a solo race around the world when he crashed his BOAT along the rocks. Too bad, I immediately thought of desmond when Henry started talking about the balloon, but when I went back to check... that's what I found.
"Poor kid, he goes and takes pics and spills the beans"
I did not post the pictures. My friend who I stupidly trusted stole and posted them. Then he posted a few tidbits about what happened in "Lockdown". Not my fault.
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